Tear Sheet (PDF)
Brocades go back a long way, to the Sung dynasty in 9th-century China, and re-emerged in popularity in Genoa and Florence during the Renaissance, and then Lyon and Spitalfields in the 18th century. Inspired by a small piece of 17th-century green brocade from Genoa, Genovese is a beautiful, rustic bourette de soie shimmering in gold and silver, yet alive with natural rawness.
Woven 46% Viscose 18% silk 17% cotton 12% flax 6% polyester 1% lur
Select color
REF. CODE — T26174 102
COLOR — Gold
COMPOSITION — 46% Visc 18% silk 17% co 12% flax 6% poly 1% lur
WIDTH — 136 cm / 53.5″
WEIGHT — 300 g / m²
VERTICAL REPEAT — 118 cm / 46.45″
HORIZONTAL REPEAT — 70 cm / 27.56″
CARE — Dry cleaning
SPECIFY FOR — Upholstery, Drapery, Soft Furnishings.